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The European Edition

Europe has had a turbulent and cultured history, including the Hellenistic period of democratic Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Dark Ages. The Middle Ages were marked by feudalism while the following Renaissance period highlighted a time of highly civilized and cultured European society. European power continued throughout the 16th and 17th centuries with the colonization of the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Numerous wars between European countries and the two world wars weakened Europe and the following Cold War created a violent tension in Europe, which became the battleground of the Cold War. The creation of the European Union, however, has strengthened Europe, and the continent is developing as a world power.

Pennsylvania Academic Standards

8.1.9 Historical Analysis and Skill Development
A) Analyze chronological thinking.
B) Analyze and interpret historical sources.
C) Analyze the fudamentals of historical interpretation.
D) Understand that the elements of natural systems are interdependent.

8.4.9 World History
B) Analyze historical documents, material artifacts and historic sites important to world history before 1500.
C) Analyze how continuity and change througout history has impacted belief systems and religions, commerce and industry, innovations, settlement patterns, social organization, transportation and roles of women before 1500.
D) Analyze how conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations impacted the world history through 1500 in Africa, Americas, Asia, and Europe.